our city-wide
commitment to equity
This April, over 30 social service providers and civic, education, and faith-based organizations from across Evanston released a joint statement affirming a shared commitment to equity and the work being undertaken by people of multiple social identities to address issues of race, racism, and bias. These organizations across Evanston share in a belief that we must engage in open and honest dialogue so that we can create a socially just and welcoming Evanston — a city where all people regardless of race, ethnicity, mental and physical ability status, gender identity, sexual identity, citizenship status, and religion feel a sense of belonging.
(** nuestro compromiso con la equidad en Evanston)
a statement from the Evanston community
April 27, 2018
Over the past several years leading institutions across Evanston have embraced an equity agenda focusing on addressing issues of race, racism and bias. We have stepped forward to have honest and open dialogue and discussions about racial equity. We have also stepped forward to offer racial equity training opportunities that include, among others, Beyond Diversity and SEED training. We realize that these trainings and discussions are not easy and are uncomfortable for some, yet we recognize that the potential to change our institutions so that they truly belong to people from all races and walks of life requires focused and sustained commitment to addressing race and equity head-on. In recent weeks several individuals have publicly criticized our efforts. As leaders in Evanston, we stand in strong support of our equity work and will continue to engage citizens in honest and open dialogue about race. And by doing so we will create a socially just and welcoming Evanston where all people of all backgrounds have opportunities to fulfill their true potential.
(Supporters in alphabetical order)
Beth Emet The Free Synagogue - Evanston
Bundled Blessings Diaper Pantry
Caring Outreach by Parents in Evanston (COPE)
Childcare Network of Evanston
City of Evanston
Connections for the Homeless
Covenant Nursery School
Erie Health Centers
Evanston Branch NAACP
Evanston Community Foundation
Evanston Cradle to Career
Evanston Police Department
Evanston Public Library
Evanston/Skokie School District 65
Evanston Township High School District 202
Family Focus Our Place
Foundation 65
Infant Welfare Society of Evanston
James B. Moran Center for Youth Advocacy
Jewish Reconstuctionist Congregation
Learning Bridge Early Education Center
Northwestern University
Oakton Community College
Piven Theatre Workshop
Reba Early Learning Center
Second Baptist Church Evanston
St. Nicholas Church
School for Little Children
Warren W Cherry Preschool
Youth & Opportunity United (Y.O.U.)
Youth Job Center
YWCA Evanston/North Shore
nuestro compromiso con la equidad en Evanston
El 27 de abril, más de 30 proveedores de servicios cívicos, educativos, religiosos y sociales de organizaciones de Evanston publicaron una declaración conjunta afirmando un compromiso compartido hacia la equidad y hacia el trabajo emprendido por personas de múltiples identidades sociales para abordar cuestiones de raza, racismo y prejuicios. Estas organizaciones en todo Evanston comparten la convicción de que debemos entablar un diálogo abierto y honesto para poder crear un Evanston socialmente justo y acogedor: una ciudad en la que todas las personas independientemente de su raza, origen étnico, condición mental y física, identidad de género, identidad sexual, situación migratoriay religión, se sientan que pertenecen a ella.
una declaración de la comunidad de Evanston
27 de abril del 2018
En los últimos años, varias instituciones líderes en Evanston han adoptado una agenda de equidad enfocándose en abordar cuestiones de raza, racismo y prejuicios. Hemos dado un paso adelante para tener un diálogo y conversaciones honestas y abiertas acerca de la equidad racial. También hemos dado un paso adelante para ofrecer oportunidades de capacitación en equidad racial que incluyen, entre otros, capacitación en 'Más allá de la diversidad' (Beyond Diversity) y en SEED. Nos damos cuenta de que estas capacitaciones y conversaciones no son fáciles y resultan incómodas para algunos, pero reconocemos que el potencial de cambiar nuestras instituciones para que realmente pertenezcan a personas de todas las razas y estilos de vida requiere de un compromiso enfocado y sostenido para abordar la raza y la equidad de frente. En las últimas semanas, varias personas han criticado públicamente nuestros esfuerzos. Como líderes en Evanston, respaldamos firmemente nuestro trabajo de equidad y continuaremos involucrando a los ciudadanos en un diálogo honesto y abierto sobre la raza. Y al hacerlo, crearemos un Evanston socialmente justo y acogedor en el que todas las personas de todos los orígenes tengan oportunidades de alcanzar su verdadero potencial.
(Simpatizantes en orden alfabético)
Beth Emet The Free Synagogue - Evanston
Bundled Blessings Diaper Pantry
Caring Outreach by Parents in Evanston (COPE)
Childcare Network of Evanston
City of Evanston
Connections for the Homeless
Covenant Nursery School
Erie Health Centers
Evanston Branch NAACP
Evanston Community Foundation
Evanston Cradle to Career
Evanston Police Department
Evanston Public Library
Evanston/Skokie School District 65
Evanston Township High School District 202
Family Focus Our Place
Foundation 65
Infant Welfare Society of Evanston
James B. Moran Center for Youth Advocacy
Jewish Reconstuctionist Congregation
Learning Bridge Early Education Center
Northwestern University
Oakton Community College
Piven Theatre Workshop
Reba Early Learning Center
Second Baptist Church Evanston
St. Nicholas Church
School for Little Children
Warren W Cherry Preschool
Youth & Opportunity United (Y.O.U.)
Youth Job Center
YWCA Evanston/North Shore