grants awarded from climate action fund

May 9, 2018 | ECF Press Release

Grants from the ECF Climate Action Fund support Evanston’s ongoing campaign to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Two grants totaling $4,550 from the Climate Action Fund were awarded to Evanston organizations — Rimland Services and St. Mark’s Episcopal Church. 

The grant funds were used to install upgraded lighting, reducing electric consumption and reducing carbon footprint.

two grants

The grant to Rimland Services purchases motion sensor lighting for their 11 Evanston community-based living options, reducing electric consumption and increasing sustainability. Rimland provides team-based, collaborative care for individuals with autism in community-living homes.

The Rev. Debra K. Bullock of St. Mark's Episcopal Church of Evanston points out new LED lighting.St. Mark’s Episcopal Church's grant converts lighting in its meeting rooms, kitchen, and other community spaces to LED, reducing its electrical costs and its carbon footprint to benefit the local environment. The community spaces at St. Mark’s are home to Interfaith Action’s Hospitality Center for the Homeless, Wildkit Cheerleading, a Tai Chi class, and numerous other community classes and groups.

The Rev. Debra K. Bullock, rector of St. Mark’s Episcopal Church said, “As our awareness of our carbon footprint has increased, it was important to St. Mark's to begin making changes. Converting to LED lighting — possible only because of Evanston Community Foundation's Climate Action Grant — is one step along the way. In addition to caring for the environment, we are, of course, eager to see the impact the LED lighting will have on our electric bills in the months to come.”

about the climate action fund

Grants from the Climate Action Fund support Evanston’s ongoing campaign to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The Fund was established as one of the strategies to implement the city's original Climate Action Plan in 2008, and invests in greenhouse gas emissions-reduction projects in Evanston, with a special emphasis on projects benefiting nonprofit organizations and lower-income households. It is intended to enable all community members to participate in helping Evanston meet its overall emissions reduction goals. In administering the Fund, ECF collaborates with the City of Evanston's Office of Sustainability, Citizens' Greener Evanston, and other organizations focused on Evanston’s environment.

Donations may be made to the Climate Action Fund.

about the foundation

Founded in 1986, the Evanston Community Foundation helps Evanston thrive now and forever as a just, vibrant and inclusive community. It builds, connects, and distributes resources and knowledge to Evanston – not just one group, neighborhood or issue – all of Evanston. ECF stands ready to be a thought partner, a collaborator, an investor, a facilitator, and most of all a convener to grow impact. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.