Young Black and Lit is committed to putting books that center, reflect and affirm Black children into the hands of local youth.

building capacity provides more books

“Hey, that girl looks like me!” Those are words that Krenice Roseman and Derrick Ramsey love to hear. 

growing an idea

Back in 2018, the founders of Young, Black & Lit, decided to offer books that featured black characters to our local youth and to do it for free.

“Being new to nonprofits, there were a lot of things we didn’t know that we didn’t know,” said Derrick. The pair was looking for support in building out their strategic plan when they turned to ECF. Young, Black & Lit were selected as 2020 root2fruit recipients, and the organization is using the grant and programmatic support to build their nonprofit infrastructure, board, and a strategic plan to ensure 0their sustainability moving forward. 

“All the support we have received through the grant has helped us dream bigger, and make our vision bigger, and we couldn’t have done it without the support of roo2fruit,” said Derrick.