Donate now to the Evanston Community Rapid Response Fund, a unified philanthropic response to the impact of the novel coronavirus and COVID-19 on our community. Together, we can address both urgent and longer-term needs.

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We will process a total of 12 gifts of $ on the 17th day of the month, every 1 month, for a total contribution of $.

Please apply my gift to one or more of the following funds:

Need to look up and choose a fund? View a full listing here.

Donor Recognition


The Evanston Community Foundation is a 501(c)3 organization. All contributions are tax-deductible as allowed by law.

Shawn Patrick Afryl #56 Shoe Fund

Supports under-privileged high school athletes by providing athletic shoes.

All Our Sons Fund

Supports boys and young men as they strive to become responsible members of the community.

Arts in Community Fund

Strengthens Evanston as an extraordinary arts community.

Balkcom Family Fund for Literacy and Affordable Housing

Promotes literacy and affordable housing.

Center for Independent Futures Fund

Forms innovative partnerships to create product and service models that give adults with disabiliites and their families the skills and opportunities to realize a full life.

Center for Women's History and Leadership Fund

Preserves and interprets the Frances Willard House Museum and its historic collections to promote vibrant discussion of Willard's life and her work on behalf of women, temperance and human rights.

Warren 'Billy' Cherry Scholarship Fund at Cherry Preschool

Supports outreach efforts to make the preschool accessible to families regardless of their ability to pay. The school is named after Warren W. Cherry an outstanding Evanston educator, community leader, and friend of young children.

Charlie Vernon Performance Fund

Memorial Fund to honor Charlie Vernon

Chessmen Legacy Fund

Established in memory of Morris Barefield and Charles Thomas to support Evanston youth and elderly.

Chicago Zen Center Fund

Supports the mission and programming of the Center.

Communityworks Fund

The single largest fund of the Foundation supports our Every child ready for kindergarten, Every youth ready for work strategic initiative that targets the achievement gap by focusing on children 0-to-3 and their families.

George Cyrus Memorial Fund

A subfund of the Evanston Realtors Fund to increase annual grant awards. 

Natasha S. Deutsch Fund

Subfund of the Fund for Evanston.

EDN Fund for Early Childhood

Will support grants for high quality early childhood education and the development of children aged 0 to 5.

ETHS Educational Foundation - Winifred Guthrie Anderson Early Childhood Education Award

Annual award for senior who excelled in early childhood education coursework at ETHS.

ETHS Educational Foundation - Oliver Baty Cunningham Memorial Prize Fund

 Annual award for Outstanding ETHS Senior Male.

ETHS Educational Foundation - David B. Fodor Musician Residency Program Fund

Supports annual artist-in-residency program at ETHS.

ETHS Educational Foundation - Richard A. Giesen Memorial Scholarship Fund

Annual scholarship award for graduating senior who has been granted admission to Northwestern University and plans to study business or finance.

ETHS Educational Foundation - Margaret Gunn Scholarship Endowment at ETHS

Annual awards in memory of Margaret Gunn, class of 1945.

ETHS Educational Foundation - William and Stella (Levas) Ketter Scholarship Fund

Supports annual scholarship to a graduating ETHS senior based on financial need and academic achievement.

ETHS Educational Foundation - Jannette E. Lee Memorial Award Fund

Supports three annual awards for graduating ETHS seniors who have been consistent, supportive members of academic and extracurricular organizations in addition to maintaining strong academic records.

ETHS Educational Foundation - Joseph and Linnie Lee Moragne Memorial Scholarship Fund

Annual awards for African-American ETHS graduates demonstrating high achievement and leadership.

ETHS Educational Foundation - Sydney M. Pond Vocational Education Fund

Distributions will be used to enrich the educational experience of students enrolled in Career and Technical Education courses and programs at ETHS.

ETHS Educational Foundation - Jack Rakove Award Fund

Supports the Jack Rakove History Award presented annually to a senior student who demonstrated growth and improvement in history, honoring 1964 alumnus Jack Rakove.

ETHS Educational Foundation - Ron Selke Mathematics and Citizenship Lecture Series Fund

Supports annual lecture presented by a renowned mathematician to ETHS students and the community.

ETHS Educational Foundation - Unterman Fund for ETHS

Supports the educational experience of needy students of good character and academic ability.

ETHS Educational Foundation - Barry Zwick Football Scholarship Fund

Annual scholarship award for at least one graduating senior who participated in the football program.

Evanston Climate Action Fund

Funds grants for greenhouse gas emission-reduction projects to help Evanston meet the goals of its Climate Action Plan.

Evanston Community Rapid Response Fund

To foster a unified response to the impact of Covid-19 in our community.

Evanston Environmental Association Fund

Benefits the work of the Evanston Environmental Association.

Evanston Environmental Education Fund

Advances environmental awareness and promotes environmental stewardship in Evanston.

Evanston Fourth of July Association Fund

Supports family-oriented entertainment events on the 4th of July and throughout the summer.

Evanston Gun Buyback Fund

Supports initiatives by the City of Evanston to remove unwanted guns from circulation.

Evanston Men Promise Award Fund for Evanston Scholars

Supports annual award(s) to honor high achieving male participants in Evanston Scholars.

Evanston Realtors Fund

A fund initiated by real-estate professionals, it increases annual grant awards.

Evanston Reparations Community Fund

The Fund will receive contributions for current spending, as well as for long term endowment building, for the benefit of Evanston’s Black community, to heal racism and address harm caused by past discriminatory practices.

Evanston Symphony Orchestra Association Fund

Delivers quality, affordable, accessible classical music to the community.

Evanston Two-Generation Fund

Supports second year of the Evanston Two-Generation Initiative.

Leonard Fisher Fund for Nursing Education

Funds continuing education for ICU nurses at Highland Park and Lake Forest Hospitals.

Foster Center Our Place Project Fund

Tree House is an organizational endowment; FCOP is a strategic/special project fund.

Foundation Fund

Providing for Foundation operations, this fund reduces our reliance on annual fundraising and helps preserve Fund for Evanston distributions for grants and ECF initiatives.

Fund for Curt’s Café

Applies the principles of restorative justice to develop work and life skills in young ex-offenders.

Fund for Evanston

The Foundation's unrestricted endowment supports our grantmaking in every area. Thousands of small and large gifts since 1987 have experienced great growth.

Fund for Evanston Trees

The Fund’s initial focus is support for the care and treatment of Evanston’s elm trees in parkways, parks and public areas. As funding priorities change, the Fund may align with broader efforts to care for and maintain trees and green spaces throughout Evanston. Environmental justice for underserved neighborhoods and alignment with CARP will guide decisions on spending from the Fund.

Fund for Women & Girls

Supports grants and community education to empower women and girls.

Grady Birdy Sacntuary Fund

For the Evanston Environmental Association. Supports repair and maintenance of the Association's bird sanctuary.

Green Communities Fund

Encourages area residents to focus attention on environmental protection, reduction of greenhouse gases, resource conservation, and energy efficiency.

Susan Willis Heiberger Memorial Garden Fund

Maintains the Heiberger memorial garden at ETHS.

Jon Kimmel Memorial Fund

Honoring the memory of Jon Kimmel, the fund supports arts education projects benefiting youth.

Jim Kogen Foundation Spirit Fund

A subfund of the Foundation Fund, providing for Foundation operations.

Avi Kurganoff Memorial Fund

Honors the memory of Avi Kurganoff and funds experiential outdoor programs for youth. 

Gene Lavengood Fund

A subfund of the Foundation Fund, providing for Foundation operations.

Leadership Operating Fund

Supports current Leadership Evanston programs. 

Literature for All of Us Fund

Encourages literature appreciation in youth.

Logan Family Scholarship Fund

A fund of the Chessmen Club Scholarship Fund honoring William Logan, Chessmen co-founder and president emeritus.

Joe "Butch" Martin Fund

Endows the memory of the lifelong Evanston resident and ETHS administrator.

Lydia Martin Memorial Fund for Children and the Arts

Funds hands-on arts education programs that benefit disadvantaged children and youth.

Rayna and Marvin Miller Fund for Open Communities

Advocates for fair and affordable housing.

Bruce E. Mitchell Short Story Fund

Provides annual awards recognizing outstanding short stories by ETHS juniors.

Lorraine Hairston Morton Fund for Youth

Supports organizations and projects to increase employment and educational opportunities for Evanston youth.

David Mulder Memorial Fund for Mental Health

Established in memory of David Mulder to support programs promoting mental health for teens and young adults.

North End Mother's Club Fund

Benefits the children of Evanston by promoting and advancing educational, charitable, civic, health, and welfare activities in the community.

North Shore Village Fund

Benefits a network of services enabling seniors to live independently in their homes as vital members of the community.

PTA Equity Project Fund

To ensure all students in Evanston/Skokie District 65 have equitable access to the important supports and enrichments many PTAs provide. Due to the impact of Covid 19 crisis, the Fund is currently directing substantial resources to vulnerable families at every school.

Rees-Servillo/Jan Heffernan Memorial Dinner Fund

Subfund of the Fund for Evanston. 

Chuck Remen Memorial Fund

Benefits Project SOAR at the McGaw YMCA.

Rotary Club of Evanston Educational Fund

Supports the Rotary's Club charitable initiatives.

Roycmore School Endowment Fund

Provides support for faculty and program-related projects. Eisner Endowment for Roycemore School

Marybeth Schroeder Enrichment Fund for ECF

Honors Marybeth Schroeder's 20+ years with ECF; part of the Foundation Fund, to support ECF operations

Marybeth Schroeder Fund for Leadership

Subfund of the Leadership Endowment Fund.

Second Baptist Church Ione S. Brown Scholarship Fund

Provides scholarships to qualified members of Second Baptist Church who participate regularly n an organization, youth activity or worship services at Second Baptist.

Shorefront Legacy Fund

Supports the Shorefront Legacy Center operations and ongoing programming for a one of a kind archive and library that documents the history and activities of the African American communities in the northern suburbs of Chicago.

Joan Barr Smith Endowment for Women's History

Supports the work of the Evanston Women's History Project at the Evanston History Center.

Hazel E. Smart Memorial Fund

Provides access to quality early childhood education or early childhood programming for families whose children may not otherwise be able to attend.

Sweers' Fund for an Equitable and Resilient Evanston

To support Evanston's most vulnerable community members and address inequities in our community's systems that have adversely affected our black, brown, and economically disadvantaged community members.

Norman W. Thomas Jr. Scholarship Fund

Provides college or technical school scholarship assistance to a graduating ETHS senior.

Rose and Andy Thomas Educational Fund

Provides scholarship assistance to a graduating ETHS senior who is a first or second-generation resident of the USA and/or has an interest in international travel and studies; supports early childhood education and anti-hunger initiatives.  

Tree House Humane Society Fund

Organizational endowment to benefit Tree House

The Samuel Isaac Wiener Memorial Fund

YEA! Harvey Pranian Legacy Fund for the Arts

The Fund preserves the thirty year legacy of YEA! and honors Founder and Project Director, Harvey Pranian. Grants from the Fund support projects and opportunities to advance the development of Evanston children and youth, pre-school through high school, through the arts.

Youth Job Center Endowed Fund

Supports employment-related services for disadvantaged and at-risk youth.

The Evanston Community Foundation gratefully accepts contributions from donors wherever they may be located; however, no information presented on this site is intended as a solicitation of contributions from persons outside Illinois. Our mission is to help Evanston thrive now and forever as a vibrant, inclusive and just community, and our fundraising efforts focus on Illinois residents.
