calendar — 9 month program
The Signature Program starts with an orientation and a retreat followed by monthly sessions, project work, and graduation.
This program is a nine-month commitment, running the academic year from October to June. Participants are expected to attend all online, virtual sessions and may not miss more than two over the Leadership Evanston year.
Sessions for 2020-2021 Leadership Evanston will take place as follows:
October, November, December - online, virtual sessions.
Hybrid model starting in January 2021, a combination of online and small group convening, depending on CDC guidelines and safe practices.
Two Zoom sessions per month: Second and fourth Wednesday per month - Twice a month for two 2 hour sessions = 4 hours; 3:00 pm-5:00 pm in the afternoon.
Home Base: Small group discussions meet for 1 hour per month.
Total Time Commitment: 2 hours x 2 sessions plus one hour home base = 5 hours per month
Cohort begins with online retreat on #1 Wednesday, October 14. Session #2: Wednesday, October 28. Both sessions 3:00 pm-5:00 pm
Further dates: November 11 & 25; December 9 & 23; January 13 & 27; February 10 & 24; March 10 & 24; April 14 & 28; May 12 & 26; Graduation: June 9.